SEO-Friendly Article: Leveraging TypeScript for JSON Imports with Typesafety and Intellisense

TypeScript has been a game-changer in web development, offering robust type checking and improved developer experiences. One of the hidden gems in TypeScript is its ability to simplify the import of JSON files, providing not only convenience but also type safety and enhanced intellisense. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of JSON imports and how TypeScript can elevate your development workflow.

Importing JSON in TypeScript

In traditional JavaScript, working with JSON files often required a fair amount of boilerplate code. TypeScript, however, has streamlined this process, making it more efficient. Let’s take a closer look at how you can import a JSON file with ease:

import colorsJson from '../colors.json';

This straightforward import not only saves you from writing extensive code but also allows you to confidently access properties of the imported JSON object with type checking and intellisense support.

Configuration in tsconfig.json

To make this feature work seamlessly in your TypeScript project, you need to configure your tsconfig.json file. Ensure that the following options are set within the compilerOptions section:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true
  • resolveJsonModule: By setting this option to true, TypeScript recognizes .json files as modules, enabling you to import them directly.

  • esModuleInterop: The esModuleInterop option is vital if you prefer using the default import style (import colorsJson from '../colors.json'). Without it, you would need to use named imports like import * as colorsJson from '../colors.json'.

Important Notes

  1. Typescript Version: It’s worth noting that TypeScript 2.9.0 initially had a bug related to this JSON feature. For a seamless experience, it’s recommended to use a version beyond 2.9.2 to avoid potential issues.

  2. esModuleInterop: The necessity of the esModuleInterop option depends on your preferred import style. If you’re more comfortable with named imports like import * as colorsJson from '../colors.json', you can leave esModuleInterop set to false.


In conclusion, TypeScript simplifies the process of working with JSON files, enhancing your development workflow. By configuring your tsconfig.json as described, you unlock the full potential of this feature. This empowers your code with type safety and intellisense, making it more reliable and maintainable. So, embrace JSON imports in TypeScript, and watch your projects flourish with ease and efficiency.